The World Heritage Site of Bryggen and its setting, seen from Strandkaien (Source: Philipp Tebart)
Reconciling the Bryggen World Heritage Property with Bergen’s Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development through Heritage Impact Assessment





This case study sheds light on potential ways of embedding water-related heritage in an integrated strategy of sustainable urban development in Bergen, Norway. Particular attention is paid to the ongoing Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) process in Bergen, which was started in 2019 to assess potential impacts of Bergen’s new transport strategy on the World Heritage site. Various HIA reports have been compiled and discussed with Bergen’s planning authorities, other experts and in a public hearing process. The municipality of Bergen has used the HIA to reconcile the preservation of the Bryggen World Heritage site and its historic harbor setting with its strategy for sustainable urban development. Hence, the HIA is serving as an essential tool to implement the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development.

How to Cite

Kloos, M. (2022). Reconciling the Bryggen World Heritage Property with Bergen’s Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development through Heritage Impact Assessment. Blue Papers, 1(1), 151–159.





methodologies and case studies

Author Biography

Michael Kloos, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

Architect and urban planner and focuses his work on the interface between urban planning and the preservation, management and sustainable development of cultural heritage, particularly UNESCO World Heritage Sites. From 1997 to 2003, Michael worked as an architect and urban planner in the Netherlands. Since 2003 he has been a scientific assistant at the Institute for Urban Design and Regional Planning, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Since 2005 Michael has provided heritage and planning consulting services for UNESCO World Heritage Sites on national and international levels. Since 2022 he has served as a chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on Historic Urban Landscapes and Heritage Impact Assessments at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. The main objective of the UNESCO Chair is to support the preservation and sustainable development of historic urban landscapes, especially when they are under high pressure to change and are part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Amland. 2021. ‘‘Handling Cruise Ship Passengers to Bergen after the Covid 19 Pandemic’’. Accessed 15 October, 2022. (in Norwegian).

Bergen Kommune. 2020. ‘‘Strategy For The Sea Front In Bergen Central Parts’’. Accessed 15 October, 2022. (in Norwegian).

Bergen Kommune. 2022. ‘‘Bryggen World Heritage Site: Management Plan 2021–2025’’. (in Norwegian).

Michael Kloos Planning and Heritage Consultancy. 2022. Heritage ‘‘Impact Assessment (HIA) of the “Planforslaget Bybanen DS/1 Kaigaten-Sandbrogaten” on the World Heritage Property Bryggen in Bergen’’. Port of Bergen. n.d. “Cruise.” Accessed October 15, 2022.