Editorial Team
Carola Hein is Professor History of Architecture and Urban Planning at Delft University of Technology, Professor at Leiden and Erasmus University and UNESCO Chair Water, Ports and Historic Cities. She has published widely in the field of architectural, urban and planning history and has tied historical analysis to contemporary development. Among other major grants, she received a Guggenheim and an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship. Her recent books include: Port City Atlas (2023), Oil Spaces (2021), Urbanisation of the Sea (2020), Adaptive Strategies for Water Heritage (2020), The Routledge Planning History Handbook (2018) and Port Cities: Dynamic Landscapes and Global Networks (2011).
Matteo D’Agostino is a researcher at Delft University of Technology, a member of the PortCityFutures research group, and is affiliated with the UNESCO Chair for Water, Ports and Historic Cities. Matteo is a cultural anthropologist experienced in the analysis of perceptions and relational dynamics between public and private actors. His research focuses on understanding multiple structural, spatial and socio-economic factors as the basis for spatial planning and social interventions. Other interests include policy implementation for granting access to basic resources, such as water, and strategic reinterpretation of heritage by institutional and activist organizations.
Carlien Donkor is a researcher at Delft University of Technology. She is also affiliated with the LDE PortCityFutures Center and the UNESCO Chair for Water, Ports and Historic Cities. Carlien is trained as an architect with experience in design, construction, procurement and project management. Her master’s thesis focused on the subject of integrated urban water design and how factors including climate change and rapid urbanization pose a risk to the future design and planning of historical water cities like Milan. Other interests include volunteer work.
Zuzanna Sliwinska is an architectural designer and researcher with a master’s degree (cum laude) from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, with previous academic experience at Westminster University in London and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research explores the potential of loss as a method aiding the adaptation of rural communities and their persistence within dynamically evolving contexts in Asian cities, with regard to local cultural heritage and ecology. Her previous professional experience involves large-scale urban projects in the Middle East, focused on regional development.
Kaiyi Zhu is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair History of Architecture and Urban Planning at Delft University of Technology. She works at the intersection of architectural and urban history and heritage studies. Additionally, she is affiliated with the LDE PortCityFutures project and the Centre for Global Heritage and Development. Trained as an architect and heritage expert, Kaiyi obtained her PhD at TU Delft with research titled "In the Name of Conservation." Her research primarily focuses on the transnational exchange of ideas, layered cultural values, interpretation of heritage concepts, post-colonialism, and governance in foreign settlements, as well as heritage-related legislation in China. Other research interests of Kaiyi's include achieving sustainable development goals in the transformation of historic urban landscapes, the regeneration of waterfront areas, and the relationship between water heritage and social, cultural, and economic activities.
Graphic identity & layout: Zuzanna Sliwinska, Douwe de Jager, and Erkan Mestan, with the help of Conor Hunter
Queenie Lin is a PhD candidate in the History of Architecture and Urban Planning, Delft University of Technology, with a research focus on the sustainable preservation of climate-challenged Dutch overseas settlements in VOC Asia. She is currently working under the UNESCO Chair Water, Ports and Historic Cities and the PortCityFutures research group. She was also a PhD candidate in Cultural Heritage and Arts Innovation Studies, Taipei National University of the Arts, and her previous MA training in art and architectural history (University of Virginia, USA), conservation of fine art (Northumbria University, UK), and underwater cultural heritage certificate (UNESCO Foundation Course), has equipped her for professional experience in academia, museums, research institutes and thinktanks in Asia, America and Europe.
Hilde Sennema is a historian with a master’s degree in architectural history. After working in the field of urban planning and heritage, she is now finishing her PhD on post-war reconstruction in port cities at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Between 2018 and 2021, she wrote a weekly column in the Dutch newspaper Financieele Dagblad. In 2022 she joined the UNESCO Chair for Water, Ports and Historic Cities at Delft University of Technology to work as a researcher and lecturer. Besides port cities, her research interests include public-private relations in public space and the cultural meanings and representations of water.
Julia Korpacka recently graduated from TU Delft with a master’s (hons) in Architecture, Urbanism and Built Environment, having received a cum laude distinction. She previously studied in the UK (BSc, University of Bath) and France (ENSAL), and worked in international architecture offices in London and Berlin. Her honors research explored how different perceptions and political interests influence the participatory processes around the redevelopment of the former shipyard area in Gdansk, Poland. Her master’s thesis proposed the adaptive reuse of a 1970s courthouse in Antwerp, Belgium, for an archive of contemporary art. Other interests include political critique in spatial and architectural contexts, urban geography, feminist pedagogy, writing and the adaptive reuse of existing buildings.
Editorial committee
- Tianchen Dai (East China Normal University, Delft University of Technology)
- Karl Matthias Wantzen (Université Francois Rabelais | UNESCO Chair River Culture)
- Tino Mager (ICOMOS ISC Water Heritage, University of Groningen)
- Stephen Ramos (University of Georgia)
- Samuel Amos-Abanyie (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology)
- Simon Richter (University of Pennsylvania | UNESCO Chair in Learning and Literacy)
- Sabina Favaro (University of the Witwatersrand)
- Teddy Chifumbano (World Youth Parliament for Water)
- Paolo De Martino (IUAV | Delft University of Technology)
- Christa Reicher (RWTH Aachen | UNESCO Chair Cultural Heritage and Urban Development)
- Mila Avellar Montezuma (Delft University of Technology)
- Rodrigo Manzione (UNESP/FCTE-Ourinhos)
- Said Madani (University Ferhat Abbas of Setif)
- John Hanna (Delft University of Technology)
- Arjan Conijn (Witteveen+Bos)
- Mike Turner (Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem | UNESCO Chair in Urban Planning and Conservation Studies)
- Sarah Ahmed (Living Waters Museum)
- Eriberto Eulisse (Global Network of Water Museums | UNESCO Chair “Water Heritage, and Sustainable Development at Ca' Foscari University of Venice)
- Maaike van Berkel (Radboud University)
- Diana Suhardiman (Leiden University)
- Kelly Shannon (KU Leuven)
- Bruno De Meulder (KU Leuven)
- Hélène Noizet (Université de Paris)