Dhaka, ghat, atlas, liminal space, public space, festivalAbstract
Addressing Dhaka’s severe lack of public space in a deltaic landscape, this article considers fluctuating pocket spaces overlooked in planning and policy. It focuses on ghats, liminal zones between land and water, and a common Asian cultural landscape element. It explores their role as vital yet undefined and informal hubs of community life. The article documents social practices in these small, flexible areas carved out within a larger context. Examining specific pockets along the Turag-Buriganga and Balu Rivers, and the Banani-Gulshan-Hatirjheel Lake area in Bangladesh, it reveals how local communities adapt to changing water levels and urban dynamics. Each of these areas represents different degrees of urbanization, showcasing unique responses to environmental challenges. Emphasizing festivals like mela taking place in the ghats and hydrological movements, the inquiry considers the cultural significance of the ghat water landscape. The article takes the innovative strategy of providing an atlas created for this project that presents a place’s intricate story in a synoptic composition.
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