The Value of a Mobilities Lens in Studying the Water-Heritage Nexus


  • Maia Brons University of Brighton




post-industrial rivers, mobility, environmental degradation, regeneration, River Lea


This article explores the value of a mobilities lens in studying the nexus of water and heritage, specifically within the context of post-industrial rivers and the many regenerative and degenerative processes shaping them today. The River Lea (East London) showcases the complex, often conflicting, water-heritage dynamics that manifest across post-industrial riverscapes: efforts to (re)connect communities to rivers and their heritage become entangled with the (pollutive) imprints of industry. Using examples from the River Lea, the article highlights how a mobilities lens, currently underused in water-heritage studies, draws attention to (i) physical accessibility provisions surrounding rivers, (ii) (in)visible streams of fluid materials and (iii) the movements and moorings of more-than-human entities. These human, ecological and more-than-human mobilities can support but also sabotage efforts to regenerate post-industrial rivers, rendering a mobilities lens, with its ability to value and make visible multiple mobilities, indispensable to studying post-industrial rivers as key water-heritage sites.

How to Cite

Brons, M. (2024). The Value of a Mobilities Lens in Studying the Water-Heritage Nexus. Blue Papers, 3(1).





challenges, concepts and new approaches

Author Biography

Maia Brons, University of Brighton

Maia Brons is a doctoral researcher based at the University of Brighton (UK). Her research explores the connection between various water-related issues – namely surface water flooding, river pollution and waterfront redevelopment – and everyday (im)mobility in Newham (East London). Through interviews and mobile auto-ethnographic observations, she investigates the water-mobility nexus within the context of wider urban challenges including regeneration, deprivation, environmental degradation and sociocultural segregation.


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